Sunday, December 03, 2006
Channel 9, a bunch of hypocrits!
Channel 9 were seriously lobbying to keep lots of sport of free-to-air tv. Sounds quite good. Keeps it accesible. The trouble though is quite simple. They have ONE channel (until we drag our sorry behinds out of the dark ages and use the ability of digital TV to deliver multiple screening over the one channel like in the UK it will remain that way). One channel. And ratings and advertising dollars to worry about (this is understandable given it's what keeps them going, but...)
This afternoon, when the cricket hadn't finished, they pulled the plug to go the news. This is a history-shaping test series, one which they fought to keep, and then they won't show it when it's exciting because of other programs. It lacks commitment to the rhetoric they spout about getting every sport under the sun protected so we can all see it. When what they really mean is get every spot under the sun on the list, so they can show whatever bits suit them, when it suits them, simply to make more revenue...
There are two simple solutions to this:
1. Given more and more people are getting digital set top boxes (and they are cheap now - under $100) have a 'press red now' option to keep watching direct telecast of the sport while the news begins on time. The same could be used for Australian Idol and all those other live shows they let run over. Then people actually get choice. And while it will cost a little, it's a lot cheaper than Foxtel.
2. The government should enforce the shows the free channels nomintate to be shown in their entireity, or lose them to Foxtel. Less people can view it, but at least it means if the free-to-air channels pick it up we can have confidence that they will show it!
It's a crazy system where the moment a channel nominates a sporting event they can do things like half hour highlight packages, or not even show it at all, and yet because they picked it up it can't be shown by Foxtel.
First shot for free-to-air tv is one thing, but first shot that also blocks others without the channel having any real intention of showing things properly is just another form of monopoly, only this one is hidden under a banner of 'fair use' to supposedly protect those who can't affod pay TV, but instead is abused simply to maximise profit, and minimise opportunities of other stations to broadcast.
The technology available to us gives us choice, but the major corporations in this country are not interested in leveraging these technologies until they have no choice. It's unbelievable. There are MANY ways we are kept in a technological back-water in this country, and the issue is about corporate control, not necessarily cost. Just like my last post talks about (interesting that since then the Telstra MD has come out and said that Australian broadband is essentially a disgrace...).
Stand up Australia - demand more from those corporations that are more than happy to take your money. Make them realise that we want innovation and a better return on our investments.
In March next year, there will be government reforms on this issue. You can help decide HOW those reforms go. Go to to find out how, read about the issue, and contact your local MP.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Telstra sucks!
I want to add my voice to the growing chorus of Australians who realise that the big giant Telco in the Sky (Telstra) really does suck, have really been the cause of
Let me give you my example. I have an ADSL account with a service provider (not Telstra - they are simply a rip-off - and that is easy to prove). Of course, while I am not with them, I still need to use my normal phone copper wiring sent to my home which was done by Telstra. I want ADSL 2+. I want faster internet, pure and simple. Most of the western world has great access to fast internet (this is not a hollow claim, do some research online). We don't.
I rang an ISP who offers ADSL 2+ in my area. The guy on the phone did some checking of my phone number against the Telstra database. That database said that it is unlikely that I can get ADSL 2+. The reason is simple - ADSL 2+ degrades over distance of cable. I'm borderline. I could take the gamble, but it costs money to switch ISP, and the likelihood is once the tests are completed they find I can still only have ADSL 1.
Of course, Telstra won't DO the tests until the switch is made... so it's a gamble I'm not going to take.
So, what's the problem. What's my alternative? Simple. There is no alternative that makes any sense cost-wise. And the future? Still nothing. Why? Because I was told by an ex-Telstra employee that they laid rubbish cable right into the 90's, knowing full well they should be laying data quality cable, but weren't. This is second hand info, so I cannot confirm it, but it certainly lines up with what I can see in my situation.
So I'm stuck. While in Korea I could have easy access to super fast internet at a cheap rate, I'm not. I'm in Australia. Where we have had a monopoly telco provider run by the government until recently that is so backwards in technological terms that getting out of that ditch of short-sightedness may literally take decades!
Couple that with the fact that all their services are over priced compared to the competition and the 'value add' they provide is worthless in most cases, and the situation stinks.
I can tell you one thing. I won't be buying Telstra shares. Not ever. I can't support a company that short sighted that is that disinterested in innovation and helping take forward this country of ours into the technological age.
It's a similar situation to Channel 9 suing ICE TV rather than supporting and embracing new technologies. Short sighted slow moving behemoths that hold all the money and like to throw around legal threats instead of supporting emerging technologies that could secure their business TRULY frustrate me - and they should frustrate you too! Why? Because it effects us all in the long run. Instead of being in the forefront, they lag behind because they don't see what is coming, then they use their position to stifle competition and threaten legal action at every turn because they have the funds to do so. It stinks! It really stinks! Vote with your feet people. Stay away from companies that are more interested in monopoly and law suits than innovation and advancement.
Thanks Telstra. Your disinterest in the country that supports your business, and your lack of care for us is inspiring! Inspiring us to stay away from your company in droves. Here's to hoping more and more people stay away until the big blind juggernaut finally catches on!
End of rant.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Speaking of racial profiling...
Read it HERE.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Racial profiling...
I'm in a course all week learning about more computer stuff. At times I have to wait for things to happen so I did some surfing and was reading about a bloke in the NFL who was recently shot by an off-duty police officer, and is not doing too well at them moment (might be the three bullets they dug out of him).
Anyway, the claim from the police is the bloke was driving erraticaly, and to cut a long story short he was then followed, and in an exchange that followed was shot. The claim on the other side of the fence is he was targeted because he was black and had a great car - in other words, he could be a drug dealer or something bad at that's the only reason he was followed in the first place. In short, racial profiling. I make no comment on who I support in that specific story - I have no idea what went down and they accounts are so opposed it would be stupid to pick a side.
Now, I'm white, I'm 32, I live in Australia. I'm about the least likely to be racially profiled of just about any group. Therefore, I'm not sure I've ever really experienced it. Yet I want to say something on it anyway.
I HATE racial profiling.
It's everything a Christian should avoid. It cares nothing for who an individual is, and cares everything for a pre-conceived judgement. When I was in New York, Sharon and I dropped in to a factory outlet store near ground zero, where they had VERY expensive items at slightly less expensive prices. You know, $2,000 leather jackets for $1,700. That kind of thing. On the way out a white woman walked past the security guards with a store bag. They looked straight at her, looked at her bag and just let her through. Right behind her was a black 30-something guy. He also had the same bag. You can guess what happened to him. He's black. How could he afford a $2,000 jacket? That type of crap. I was appalled. It made me so angry (and believe me, the guy in question wasn't too happy either...)
So, you may be reading this, may even be getting a little frustrated yourself. Let me leave you with this question. Ever been on a train/bus/tram and a muslim man and woman in full muslim dress got on? Did you get uncomfortable? Even just for a moment? (I am ashamed to say I've caught myself doing that - but it taught me alot)
I hope you get what I'm getting at here. It's easy to be appalled by things like that story I gave about the black guy in New York (at least, I HOPE it is). But often we aren't immune to the prejudices that are relevant to issues in our own society - it gets into us through everything... Propaganda and prejudices are very easy to use to alter peoples' perceptions if we aren't careful. And at it's worst, there are a number of horrible examples in history about what that can lead nations to. Food for thought isn't it?
I guess that's what being "in the world but not of it" is all about.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
This NEEDS to be banned!
I also think this. If you vigorously pursue a career in the public eye, in show business, if you bring out singles and albums, if you try to sell a product, then I think you need to prove you are WORTH buying.
We all know about maufactured pop bands. We all hear about how in post-production the engineers work their wizardry and make things sound better than they were. I figured there would be the odd note that was a little out, they'd fix the pitch, and voila!
I didn't think they could do this though... And I didn't think someone THIS bad should be allowed to sell a record at all. Really. Even if they do have really big...
Anyway, you HAVE to listen to these two mp3's. The first is the 'fixed' version - it's just two short extracts I made to give you an idea what a sound engineer can REALLY do. The second is the original recording. It's basically the complete song because you just HAVE to listen all the way through. PLEASE listen right to the end. (Original versions I got were via YouTube - this is just an mp3 recording - go to YouTube and watch it if you like - it's got video too!!!)
One thing it shows is Peter Andre is actually not that bad live. But his wife, Jordan... Well, I won't spoil it, just listen...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Bronze... like a primary school medal...
It's kinda nice I guess. We all like recognition. But it also reminded me of those little medals and certificates and thing you got in primary school for swimming in a race. I used to swim in races... If you could call them swimming. It's more like floating and trying to propel myself forwards. Now, before you get the kind of mental image of a beached whale that I reckon you already have let me say a few things. One, I'm talking about primary school, and two, I wasn't overweight back then. That didn't happen until I was about 23 or so. It wasn't a weight thing - I just didn't go forward too well. I could float for hours, and was great in the surf, but put me in a pool and I swam like crazy... and got nowhere. Kinda like Eric the Eel at the olympics... Never could work that one out...
Anyway, I digress... The point of the story is this - I still used to get a piece of paper saying well done. I just can't work out if this thing I got at work is like that or not. I don't want this to sound ungrateful, it really IS nice that the work was noticed and appreciated... I just kind of half expect it to say
This award is presented to NATHAN YOUNG in recognition of trying hard to move forward in the pool and coming second last in the 25m Freestyle.
(It's true. I never came last. There was always at least one kid who couldn't reach the other side and nearly drowned in the process. He made me look good. Thanks kid... If you are still alive and haven't drowned yet...)
Looking back at this post I have no idea why I wrote it now, or what I was on about, but it's better than the crap I've been serving up lately (sorry about that - serious lack of focus!!!)
Monday, October 09, 2006

It's done. It's official already! Aker is a Doggie! AND we didn't have to give up Sam Power for him, which I'm pleased about. Aker is a champion, he'll fit in well at the Dogs, ad I think a change in scenery will do him well. Let's hope it does him as well as it did Barry Hall...
PS. Sorry about my photo editing... It was a quick job OK???
Getting better
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Oh no take ii

Breakings news is that Richard Hammond is critically injured trying to break the land speed record while filming for Top Gear. (If you have no idea what that show is you are missing out on one of THE most entertaining shows on TV. It might be about cars, but to give you an idea just how entertaining it is, Sharon LOVES it... and so do most other girls that watch it. It's that good) You may also know him as the Brainiac presenter.
Here's to hoping the 'Hampster' as he is affectionately known pulls through this ok.
Oh, and my feet are ok...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
oh no!
Tonight I went for a run in the rain and the darkness (the best time to run)... Longer than I have been going by a fair margin... I forgot the feet thing... I got out of the bath just now and my right foot is killing me...
Uh oh...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Beer ads are always the best!
Another classic, this one a flashdance rip-off can be viewed here.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Great job Big Ben!

This will be reported elsewhere in the Aussie media I'm sure, but just wanted to give props to Ben Graham for making it as one of the NY Jets co-captains for this years American NFL season. This is nothing short of extraordinary! Why? Here's the reasons:
- He is only in his second season in the sport
- He was the oldest rookie in NFL history (age 31)
- It was voted for by the players, not appointed by the coach or match committee
- He is possibly the first Aussie to captain an American pro sport team (unconfirmed)
- He is most probably the first player in modern professional sport to captain teams in two different sports and is surely the first to have done so on two continents (again, unconfirmed, but quite likely).
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
That HAS to be fun!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Turns out I like trees...
I could always stand on a mountain and marvel at Gods' awesome handiwork, but this is different. Now I can just look at a tree and I get it. I can marvel at the work of the Almighty and pretty damn funky God just by watching a tree in my yard that was last week totally bare all of a sudden spring to life with green everywhere. It knows just when to do it.
I can't see how there couldn't be 'intelligent design' when I see this. My sight is different now. Seriously.
How odd do I feel right now...
*mumbles something about turning into a tree-hugging hippy*
Monday, September 04, 2006
Farewell, mate!

Farewell mate. A larger-than-life, over-the-top, fight for all he believes in type of guy that all Australia should be truly proud of for the amount he has achieved for wildlife education and conservation not only in this country but internationally.
You'll be sorely missed by us all.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
World Champions
Now that the U.S. basketball team have once again managed to not make it to the Gold Medal game at a major world championship, let alone win the gold medal, would it be too much to hope that they stop calling their club team that wins the NBA title World Champions finally?
Yeh... it'd be too much to ask. Nothing like blind arrogance...
Oh, and I was once told that the World Series in baseball is called that because of some paper or something called The World that was a sponsor or some similar story, so it was literally the 'World' Series. So in baseball I was going to forgive them... Then I started to read up on it, and I think that information was wrong. It seems the history of baseball in the U.S. is just as misguided. And the U.S. last won the actual world championship in baseball in 1974...
I know it seems like I'm yank bashing. I only write this blog because I'm watching the basketball worlds on TV as I write this. And besides, if you make big claims you need to back them up, or you leave yourself open. And I know, I know - one is a country event, the other is a club event. But still, the term World when you don't play other nations' teams is still crazy. The AFL premiers would have a better claim to World Champions as they really WOULDN'T be beaten in that sport, but it just would seem wrong...
What's so bad about 'National Champions'???
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Meet Davo!
I know - I've been gone a long time. Maybe even it'll be a while until you check to see if I've posted seeing as I've been away so long... I understand. Sorry about that. I was finishing off working with the last client I had, then I had two weeks off including going to Adelaide, then I was in Sydney on a conference for a week. But enough of me. I DO have a purpose today.
You see, I figured I would blog about something specific.
Brad had Pierre, then he bought Sebastien. He even spelt it like a French tosser - accent, e instead of a *sigh*... (Sorry Brad, but it's true!)
So, it's time for the world to meet Davo (for you non-Aussies out there, pronounce it Dave-oh). Now, the car in the picture is a repoduction of Davo, but Davo is identical. Think of them as identical twins if you will. It's just that I don't pick up Davo probably until Monday next week... Stupid paperwork...

Nice to have you home, Davo - you and your 18" rims. Maybe we should take a spin one day and see if little Seb can keep up...
*mumbles* little French poodle *mumbles*
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Quick 2 minutes to check this out.
It'll make you laugh or cry... the dumbest internet business ideas that actually worked. It's good because it shows you anyone can make a million dollars - it's bad because it wasn't you who thought of those goggles for dogs...
Friday, July 14, 2006
Sad, yet strangely funny...
"A police dog left in a truck with the engine running apparently knocked the vehicle into gear and ran down a woman who was walking to her mailbox.
Mary Stone, 41, of Utah in the United States, was expected to remain in hospital with a fractured pelvis and tailbone until at least tomorrow, said her husband, Paul.
The dog, a German shepherd named Ranger, had been left in the truck while its handler responded to a domestic disturbance call, police Lt. Loring Draper said. The truck's engine was on, so Ranger could have air conditioning."
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Latte and 3 sugars man...
And then yesterday, needing a walk to clear my head, I started wandering down Collins St and it started to rain. Picking up the pace to get back to the office, there he was - squatting in the same spot as last time. Only this time he was barely out of the rain. Remembering he liked a latte with three sugars, I went over to the cafe and bought him one. When I went up to him and gave it to him, he was just the happiest bloke on the earth for that moment.
Whether it was that I remembered what he liked, or simply that I was there, it worked. It helped. It was the right thing.
Anyway, his name is Leslie. He stays with the Salvos when he can afford it (they are cheap, but he still is expected to pay something) so comes out and begs when he needs more money to stay in-doors. He's a good bloke. I gave him some cash - I hope he got back inside - it was darn cold last night.
Kinda puts things in perspective doesn't it... And he seemed pretty darn normal. I wonder what his story is...
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Miss World and charity
One of the other potential contestants was quoted in The Age as saying this:
"I am disappointed they cancelled it. It is unfair. I was starting to organise fund-raising for World Vision. I had picked my charity. It is not exactly her fault but she didn't have any competition for this year and there may have been a better person to do the job."
I have one thing to say. Dear Miss disappointed, I hope that this great charity work you started to get organised you will continue with even though you aren't in the competition this year. Why? Well, it struck me as kind of stupid. It reads like she is saying it's not fair because she put in some hard work to do things for a charity, and now there is no point going through with it - as though the only reason to do it is because she might be Australia's contestant. Makes a mockery of it really...
Or am I being too harsh? Is charity from someone who has an alterior motive better than no charity? Take the whole gambling thing. The Salvation Army won't knowingly accept money from TAB and the like because of how the money is gained.
Interested on random thoughts from anybody reading this...
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
They did it...
Well, good luck to them anyway. They did deserve this win - they played better. But MAN do they leave it late. Two goals in the 119th and 120th minutes! I'd be happy with either France or Portugal getting through to play them so we shall see what happens after tonight!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
The money thing...
I almost can't believe people bother with these studies. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming the researchers. It's very valuable research. The trouble is that nobody takes any notice. We eat up the latest fad without regard for the realities of life...
Yep, the research found what we all know already. Money really doesn't make people happier. The correlation between more money and greater hapiness was extremely marginal, and often meant people sacrificed more of their day commuting, and less time socialising (trading a great thing for happiness with a terrible thing).
The point the article, and the researchers themselves were making was, have we got it all wrong? Is our focus on money a waste of effort. I don't get it. We all know this already. What worries me is that the focus on more money, more things, more status will not change if we all believe everything we read, everything we watch on tv, read all the trashy magazines so we can find out more about the stars and try and live like they do, or even just covet what they have.
That's the challenge. It's not about selling all we have perhaps, but it IS about trying not to always say to ourselves I need the latest in everything (something I am working on, but sometimes fail at still...)
Here's a challenge for you. Don't get a new mobile phone until you have a real reason (either it doesn't work, or the plan is too expensive). Don't just get one because you want a new one. Sounds simple? I'm not so sure...
Sunday, July 02, 2006
No I
Left the letter out was complanng about n my last post on prncple. Mght make ths post hard to read - sorry about that. Just felt needed to make a stand...
Gven have a thng aganst that letter thought 'd gve an old and stupd joke.
What do you call a deer wth no eyes?
No eye-deer!
Hate that letter rght now!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
The letter 'I'
Here's to hoping this one is more successful than last weekend! It's 9:30am, I've been in for about 2 hours. It's too early to tell if we are in trouble yet, so cross all of your fingers and toes for me!!!!!
Update 1:
3:oopm. Things are moving. Had a number of scares, but things are definitely moving forward.
I have learnt a valuable lesson. If someone provides you with 1000's of lines of computer code (literally) and the leave the letter 'i' out of those millions of characters worth of information. If that letter 'i' is left out in the wrong spot, it will make EVERYTHING fail... And fail BADLY...
Who'd have thought that the letter 'i' could be such a destructive letter! I'm thinking of banning the letter I in my next blog post just to make a protest against such cruelty!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
We are proud of you boys!

Lets get a few things straight.
1. It probably wasn't a penalty.
2. Italy were very hard done by the ref with that send-off.
Therefore, in the scheme of things, we had a better deal than they did. Sure the penalty did us in, but we played for 40 minutes with them down to 10 men and couldn't penetrate - we had our chances, and we were beaten by a team that, while they had looked really quite ordinary and lucky in getting 7 points from the group stage matches, were a different team entirely in this match. The Azzuri were desperate in defence, and the wall they put up was near on impenetrable. And with only 10 men, they somehow summoned the energy to survive, and in the end, were rewarded for their bravery with a win.
They deserved it. On the strength of that one match, they deserved it.

But on the strength of the tournament, the Socceroos did - and for that as much as anything I'm broken-hearted!
Here's to Australia's football future. Here's to our entrance into the Asian zone, and the quality of matches that should do nothing but improve our squad. But don't think we will always make the finals. In the Asian zone we don't have a free pass to the World Cup. What we do get, however, is a large number of matches over which to qualify, to ensure our fate, rather than a sudden death double-leg tie against a team from the other side of the world.
Australia's footballing future will never be the same - but that doesn't mean it will come easy. It's just that we now have it in our own hands. We can ask for no more than that...
Monday, June 26, 2006
The epilogue...
I got out.
It's working again.
But only, back to where it was before we began the pilot. The pilot itself was a failure.
I got home at 4am... It worked out to be 20 hours work without a break or any real food.
It's now Monday morning, I'm back in the office (users are OK thank goodness...) and I'm fuzzy in the head - a lot like jetlag really...
And if you are reading this blog and are confused as to what I'm talking about, read the previous one and it will all make sense!!!
The upshot is now I'm up for TWO more weekends work instead of just one... And there's no guarantee that they'll be better than the last one. Oh well - that's the IT project life!!!
Hopefully my next blog will NOT be work related...
In fact, I'm tipping that, given the game tonight, the next blog may well be sporting related... though whether it's joy or sorrow I really have no idea. The 'beautiful game' as it is often called is funny like that...
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Not good...
It's 8:30 pm Saturday evening. I've been sitting here at work (where I am now - and yes, I DID say 8:30 PM on SATURDAY...)
I've been here since 7:30 am without a break.
I'm putting in a major project.
Things have gone horribly wrong.
I currently have a phone stuck pressed between my head and my shoulder while I type this, on hold to a support group for a third party in the U.S.
Not my ideal way to spend Saturday night (or Saturday day, or anything else for that matter...)
The whole network is basically down.
It's needs to be NOT down.
Very badly it needs to be NOT down.
Monday morning when people come back to work, it most DEFINITELY needs to be NOT down.
I also amd desperately in need of sleep, food and a general holiday.
The next 12 hours or so could get VERY interesting.
This is the bit of I.T. I DON'T like.
And for those of you who know me, and may think I make good money, try dealing with this and you may ask yourself if it's all worth it... I sure sometimes do... This is NOT a good situation to be in.
Well, luckily I don't actually panic, unlike a few people I work with, so as far as it goes I'm still relatively clear-headed.
And this helped get it off my chest too!
Still on hold, but this blog has gone on long enough. I'm out.
Here's to hoping I get to see my wife and get some sleep soon...
It's 10:54 pm. Been on the phone now for 2 1/2 hours to the U.S.
Worried about falling asleep. We've tried a lot of thing with this guy. They aren't working. In fact, there is no guarantee things cna be put back exactly as they were even given we full and complete backups. Go figure. Who'd ever think complete full backups wouldn't save you if all else fails?!?!?!?!
I've been here 15 1/2 hours now. No break. No meals. 1 can of coke, 2 coffees, 1 bag of chips and a donut all day.
This could be a very bad weekend in my life. In fact, I'm half-way through and it already qualifies.
Signing off again for now. Depending on how things go I may update again just to keep myself sane, and awake...
Update 2:
11:55 PM...
Still here... Have no idea if we are any closer to a solution or not...
Update 3:
Now things get interesting. I call the managers, let them know how things are, and ask if we can get one of the other engineers in so I can send Rob home (who's been here since 7:30, like me).
They say yes. Only thing is, the other bloke who can help us while we are working with the U.S. lives in Geelong.
So we ring. He says yep. But... He's chugged back 3 beers. His ok to think, but driving is not the right thing to do. So as I type this, I'm waiting on whether or not I can get approval for a taxi to the city from Geelong so I can get him in and send Rob home.
Fingers crossed!
Of course, if he comes in, I stay, if he doesn't I go home as I can't stay here on my own for OH&S reasons.
It's now 17 1/2 hours straight! Damn my job is interesting some times!!! (NOT in a good way, in case you didn't get the tone of that last sentence).
OK. Signing out again. Let's see if I get another update on here before I go home! Yay me! I'm getting delirious! I know I will look back on this post and cringe!!!
Update 4:
Re-read this blog. Sorry about the spelling and grammatical errors. I'm tired...
It's now 1:42 AM. David is in a taxi on his way from Geelong, Rob and I have been on the phone to the U.S. since 8PM (LOVE to see that phone bill!!!)... Rob is going home once David gets here. David and I WILL finish getting things working.
We will because we have to. 1500 users at the client I work for can't be not able to work on Monday.
OK. Back to work. Just had a Snickers to give me some energy. That makes it a coke, a donut, a pack of chips, 2 coffees and a snickers since 6:30 AM yesterday... Looking at that is REALLY not good.
Update 5:
Hopefully we are nearing getting this fixed. Things seem somewhat better. David is in. Rob hasn't gone yet. Vision getting rather blurry...
Friday, June 23, 2006

We are through to the business end now! Yes!!!
From here on it's just a bonus. We play Italy. We shall see. They are classy, but they are also the biggest bunch of drama queens of ANY team in the world. So as often is the case in the international game, it may sadly come down to the style of reff'ing (by the way, while I do think the ref in this match missed a couple of blatant penalties, and gave a bloke 3 yellow cards, he still did a pretty darn good job).
Why does it matter about the ref? Simple. Ours and Italy's games are very different. We play quite a physical brand of football, like Croatia, or England.
The Italians are super skillful, but they REALLY see the game as non-contact, and will do anything to ensure the ref knows when they are touched. Call it play-acting, cheating, or just doing the ref's job for him. However you look at it though, the styles are very different. And it's the style the ref refs to that will perhaps ultimately determine the outcome. Now, that's a little sad of course, there are 22 guys on the pitch trying to win the game, they are the ones that count. But it can happen. That's part of the game.
But this one thing I will say. Even if the ref's style means we lose, PLEASE don't actually blame him. It's his interpretation. It doesn't mean we were robbed.
Here's to hoping it's a great, entertaining spectacle, and here's to seeing the Socceroos in the final 8!!!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
What good a cup of coffee???
I got about another 20 metres or so and then stopped. My first thought was, I could give him money, but he'll just go and buy alcohol or something. Then I thought, maybe he just is cold and could do with a coffee. Surely not. He'll want money for booze. My thoughts actually embarrassed me, but I share them here to get it off my chest.
Anyway, I went back and sat down next to him on the ground for a minute, spoke about the weather and how cold it was, and then asked if he'd like a coffee or something. His eyes lit up and this great big smile split across his face.
'Latte with 3 sugars if that's ok please'.
Funny, never thought a homeless bloke would want a latte...
Anyway, I walked off to get his coffee, and after a couple of minutes I came back. He saw me carrying them, hopped up, almost broke into a run to get it and had the most incredibly grateful look on his face I have just about EVER seen.
It was evident that by treating him like a real person, and by spending a whole $2.40 on a coffee I had made his whole day.
Then as I walked off 2 things happened. First, it occurred to me just how damn good I have it. Simple as that.
The second thing was a little more sobering and unnerving. What good was my coffee to him? It actually upset me. I mean, it made his day, but it didn't help his situation. I sit here writing this on my laptop in my warm house, and he is probably in an alley, freezing - barely surviving.
I may have noticed him, acknowledged him as a person, but I sure didn't do him much good... I'm still pretty darn confused about it - it wasn't what I expected to feel like.
What do you think? Do you think my coffee really served a purpose for him?
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Sheer grit!!!

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!!
What a start for the boyz! 3-1 against a team that is ranked over 20 places higher in the world ranking, a team that ran out of puff in the heat, and were too willing to just defend a 1-0 advantage!

Cahill, you are a true champion, and Aloisi, you have done so much for us it's just incredible!
I did learn something interesting though... I was reminded of how when people are passionate about something, and it goes wrong (in this case, Japanese fans) we sometimes view things in what could only be described as an 'odd' light.
Comments on a Japanese forum for football included comments such as Australia were playing rugby and the tackling was disgraceful (to me the Japanese just simply didn't know HOW to tackle, and threw themselves down like soft little marshmellows - I saw less diving in week 2 of the Aquatics at the olympic games...), through to an odd comment that said Japan played much better than the Australians and were really unlucky. I'm not sure which game THAT fan was watching, but the vast majority of both posession and chances came to the Aussies, so that seems like a strange one.
Still, I know how upset I get when I'm passionately watching a sport and we lose so I'll just take the win! As for the Schwarzer decision (or lack thereof) who cares. We won. 3-1 is a great score. Occasionally, you get a bad call, it happens. We still won. If we didn't go down 1-0 we may never have got those goals at the end.
GO BOYS! Get a draw against Brazil (easier said than done, I know) and we will be really close to qualifying for the second round. Now that would be something! Either way, the whole country is bloody proud of you! You've already gone where no other Aussie team has gone before you - a win in the world cup tournament! Never say die! That attitude will get us a long way.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Writers' block...
Nothing profound has been going on in my head, and nothing exciting has been happening in my life. I painted a room in our house yesterday and today, and I'm trying to work out whether or not we can afford an Audi A4 for our car, but apart from that it's really all.
Check back though - the block can't last forever :P
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Guy Goma - a dead-set legend!!!

The trouble was, someone mistook him for Guy Kewney, an IT journalist who the BBC was expecting as a guest expert on their news show... Yep, you can guess what happened next. They get this poor bloke on NATIONAL TV to discuss the legal battle between the Apple computer company and the Apple recording company owned by the Beetles.
It's funny. It's damn funny! I feel sorry for the bloke though, he missed out on the job. In fact I don't even know if he got a replacement interview... Anyway, here's the website... Check it out.
The dumbing-down of our society...
I'm not worried about their morals though. Forget that. That's their choice, not mine. It's the sheer (lack of) quality of the actual program that gets me. We all know the whole thing is massively manipulated by the fact that we see only what the producers want us to see. We all know that they have the power to paint the housemates in almost any light they see fit. (Yes yes, I know they can only show stuff that happens, but you can easily show parts of a conversation and make it look like something entirely different. Cut out the end, miss the start etc etc).
So I was in the kitchen the other night and between add breaks on a BBC cooking show on Foxtel Sharon was watching the BB nomination night.
There was Gretel Killeen, interviewing the dude who was evicted the night before. (No idea of his name). He said the one thing we ALL know already, that they edit the footage and can portray a scene in any light they choose, and that he felt at least a little hard done by in one such episode.
Well, Gretel went sick. Yep, that is the only way to describe her childish out burst. She belonged in a kindergarten, not on a prime time high rating TV show. 'How dare you say we edit the show!' 'I've been doing this for 6 years and we don't edit' Blah blah blah. Crap crap crap.
The very fact that they have maybe 10? cameras filming 24 hours a day, and yet they show one hour shows from 240 hours footage means you edit Gretel. There IS no alternative. And by editing you have complete power to portray things in any light you wish. We all know this already. How dumb do you think we are? How could you possibly claim you don't???
So, to come on national television and claim that BB never edits footage is one of the most ludicrous and crazy statements I've heard. You embarassed yourself on national television and did yourself no favours at all.
Between that and the 'you are not being clear' every five seconds from BB when they were being about as clear as a clear piece of glass just made me want to throw my crumpet (which was what I was making at the time in the kitchen) at the tv... Glad I didn't though, the crumpet was a lot more satisfying than the show was...
Right. I feel SOOO much better now. That we really annoying me. Getting it off my chest was very cathartic!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Today's funny informational facts...
Checked my web site stats today just out of curiosity. I know you can go to blog sites on blogspot and they can give you a random blog to go to next. At least, I ASSUME that's why someone got to my blog from this one...
Yep, someone got to my blog from a link at the eroticwrestling blog. Now, I have NOT clicked this link (I'm at work, so doing so could well get me fired given the title...) and I do not necessarily endorse what they do either, but hey, it's a wide and varied world we live in! :) My blog sure would be a let down for that poor person given the likely content in the previous blog they visited. I guess they COULD have a link to my site, but I highly doubt that... If anyone is game enough to check feel free to let me know in the comments section...
Second funny fact:
According to Google Trends - in 2006 more people searched the word "sheep" into Google from New Zealand OR the UK than put "Jessica Alba"AND "Eva Longoria" combined!!! (Number 1 and 2 in a recent FHM top 100 sexiest women poll). Australia had their priorities more in order.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
The 'Beast'
We look forward to hearing more from Betho! I've attached a permanent link to go with the other famous bloggers I know!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Sport as far as the eye can see!
Last weekend was a sportravanganza... or something like that anyway.
Friday night kicked off with Dean, Steve and myself watching the (woeful, it must be said) St Kilda - Geelong game.
Got up Saturday morning, watched the Miami - NJ NBA game. Missed the afternoon footy game due to rehearsal. In the evening, it was chillin' in Steve's spa with him and Dusty, watching both the West Coast - Magpies, and the Hawthorn - Brisbane game (shame about that Bruce for Brown trade Freindy! That cost you a bundle!!!)
Got home at midnight, just in time to watch the FA Cup final live, which went into extra time, and then a penalty shootout. It was an incredible game, with Gerard kicking one of the most outstanding goals I've ever seen at the end to level the score.
Then it was up on Sunday morning for the Spurs - Dallas NBA game. This was followed instantly by the Port - Bulldogs game (GO Dogs!) and the day ended with the 8:30 replay of Bombers - Carlton before a well earned rest...
It was decadent. It was OTT. It was just damn wonderful!!!
And no, don't think 'poor Sharon, she is the neglected wife' - she was away for the weekend.
See, I had my excuse!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Nath's assorted ramblings
I'm reading an interesting book at the moment called the Cross and the Crescent by Phil Parshall. Phil is a missionary in Muslim countries and this book is an interesting examination of the Muslim faith by a Christian how understands their faith, their culture, their questions doubts and belief, just as much some of us understand Christianity.
It's a fascinating read. It's not easy - he's a scholar, so the book is a little on the essay-ish side. I like that, but the style isn't going to be the easiest to read. I can however recommend the book. With all that is going on in the world - the polarisation of religious thinking and marginalisation of Muslims by the western world, this book is in my mind really important.
Lately I've been thinking I just don't really know anything much about the Muslim faith. Ignorance is not a good thing, so I set out to find out more. I wanted to do it though by getting information from a Christian source, but one that LIVES in Muslim communities, one that really does understand what they face, and what they believe.
This book is just that. It looks at the message of Islam, the Quran, the Hadith and the message of Christianity and the Bible in comparison.
I might put down some thoughts on this book over the coming weeks. We shall see. One thing is for sure - I can't read more than a few pages without having my mind go into overdrive. Phil sure makes me THINK. And that's a good thing!
Do yourself a favour, go an buy this book - I challenge you to enlarge your understanding of what others believe, in the hope that if ever required, we may better relate to them, and thereby perhaps be sensitive to them. As well, this book is primarily an evangelism tool to Muslims. This may help equip you for a conversation you never even thought you would have!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Thanks to Miriam and the team for doing Sunday night for me. Sorry for dumping you in it at the last moment Miriam! heard you did a good job so thanks!
On a better note, I got Foxtel Digital installed, with IQ. Damn IQ is good! It's really pretty cool. Wasn't sure it'd be that big a deal really, but it's quite useful. Oh, and Matt and Steve, you guys were right. Sports Center rocks.
So Brad's got an interesting post going on if you are a Salvo over at his blog. He's dug up one of those never-ending issues again that is debated within the Salvos. Always fun to see who says what, see the sparks and the passion fly. It's good. Nice to see people think things are worth discussing. Nice to see some life in these issues as to me it proves the movement is alive and well. Questions are good. They make us think. Agreeing with things blindly is not Christianity, it's cult worship. And being part of any Christian movement, again in my opinion, should encourage members to soul-search. To question. To challenge things. This isn't about being a rebel or a traitor. It's about understanding what is truly important to a movement, and what isn't.
The Salvos is a young movement. Things will change. I know there are some marked differences, but in nearly 1500 years or however old it is, the catholic church has altered it's doctrines many times. Now, I know some of those changes were not made on spiritual grounds at all, and I'm not suggesting we follow suit, but I'd be surprised if all of our doctrines remain ENTIRELY as is now if we are still around in a few hundred more years... What matters to me is that we are still true to what God has called us to be.
A lot of William and Catherine Booths decisions were made because of the situation they found themselves in at the time. We need to remember that. The sacraments were a hot topic then and William wanted to be different to prove a point. This was warranted. But it does cause some interesting discussion now - over 100 years on. Why? Because it's a society based decision, not really biblical (I'm not saying it's ANTI-biblical, or contradictory in any way) just that it's not necessarily as easy to support as a position. It seemed more of a political/social decision. So to me it stands to reason that things like this, drinking, baptism and other things will be continually brought up, questioned, challenged, and in some instances changed. Indeed, the sacraments are widely practiced in Salvo churches now, so it's a case in point. That decisions I don't believe has in any way harmed the movement at all.
I once read a draft of an interview with a very prominent Salvationist. The draft was for a Salvation Army publication. At one point this person said that they thought that not drinking should be pushed as a very positive life choice, particularly because our body was God's temple, but that it shouldn't be a requirement for membership anymore. That it wasn't necessarily relevant any more to a great many Salvationists. Needless to say, the senior leaders got hold of the draft of the interview, did NOT approve it and that section was replaced with other parts of the interview that were less controversial and towed the party line better. It was interesting censorship.
I don't know if they were afraid of what this person said, or that it might look like they supported that view themselves by publishing it, or whether they just didn't want to deal with the potential backlash.
The bottom line to me is this. Don't be offended when people question the movement - when they question the choices of the movement. It DOESN'T make us rebels. It doesn't mean we don't care deeply about it. People on the outside question it. Maybe we need to question it ourselves to really work out what our own position is so we can have REAL answers... God gave us brains and sometimes we exercise them. Frankly, I'm glad Brad has exercised his. All I can say is don't shut your brain down just because a question challenges what you've always thought on an issue. You might find the question actually helps you get STRONGER on your position. Just ensure you seek God out in it and trust him to guide you through.
Jesus questioned God when he didn't like something (think garden of Gethsemene - he wanted to get God to find another way). But in questioning the decision, it actually solidified to Jesus why he had to do it. It made him stronger, not weaker.
About 6 months ago I asked a friend of mine who is also a very prominent Salvo from overseas whether they ever just questioned whether God may just not exist. Whether maybe we'd die and find we had it wrong all along... I was worried I was the only one, and that maybe it somehow meant I had no faith. He said of course he questions it. He, like I, believe it's a pretty natural process. He's one of the most amazing Chritians I've ever met. It's comforting to know he doesn't switch his brain off at the door, but rather thinks through what he believes.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Big win and bye bye
Speaking of bitterness in sport. What's with Jana and Tamsyn? Just when we all thought it was over and they'd learnt to shut their mouths and get on with the business of racing we get this again. Girls girls girls! Shut it! We don't care. You are taking up valuable news space.
Brad's left home (bye Brad). So now Huey, Duey and Annie are living in Blackburn. It's a nice place, so if you haven't been there yet go and invite yourself around - everyone else does! :P
On the weekend we had out self-denial Sunday. I hope we reach the $75,000 target. It's ambitious, but it's so important to help all the work the Salvation Army is doing around the world. If you haven't given yet and are linked to the Salvos please do so - money is such an integral part of development work. There is never enough to go around.
Short and sweet today. Much work I have to do. The anger, grows within you it does... Sorry - damn I love Yoda. Speaking of Star Wars, whilst I'm no diehard fan, I stumbled across a brilliant PC Wallpaper site for Star Wars. This stuff is great, and there is lots of it! Find it here
Thursday, March 30, 2006
The Forum - go post NOW!
The thing is, a forum works REALLY well if lots of people use it, and they post regularly. Of course, if they don't, it will die a quick and painful death. I'm a seasoned forum user and I know how interesting a GOOD forum can be. But the ONLY thing that makes a forum good is because it is active.
So I'm putting my weight behind The Forum by posting about it here.
I ask you to seriously consider doing 3 things:
1. Register for the forum. It's free, there is NO email spam ever, and it gives you a profile to use.
2. Post on it.
3. Post on it some more.
The link you need...
Get cracking! It is good only if we all use it damnit!
Aussie Rules in full swing!

Lets go DOGGIES! Not sure how my boys will do this year - losing 3 guys over 6ft 5in for the whole season is not a good sign, but hey we'll see how we go anyway. As a proud member of the Western Bulldogs footy club I shall be there cheering them on regardless.

On another note, Brad moves out on Saturday. Bye Brad. He was a good boarder. He has a messy room, but hey, if you close the door nobody notices! It was fun Brad, for what we saw of each other. I'm helping him and Millsy and Annie move on Saturday because I am a nice guy (NOT because I want to ensure he really does leave, contrary to popular opinion!!!)
So it's back to 'Naked Tuesdays' again for me... I mean... Ummm... You didn't read that ok?
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Games are over and some are staying... or trying to anyway.
And yet, it was amazing! Melbourne embraced this spectacle and we all got into party mode. Athletes poured everything they had into competing for their countries, and all around we were treated to this incredible... well, this incredible 'thing'. I can't do it any better than that. I have no other words. But it was stunning. Sitting at the G when Kerryn ran in to take first place in the marathon and being amongst the most almighty roar was simply staggering. It brought a tear to my eye - just being taken away by the whole emotion of the moment as all 85,000 of us willed her to the finish line.
There were many other moments, but that one will remain with me - it was inspiring and moving.
Anyone keeping up with the news will be aware of all the athletes that are currently missing since the games - a whole host from Sierra Leone (75% of the team - after 70% went missing at Manchester... as Matty Parker put it 'at least they are improving'). Also, one athlete from each of Tanzania and Bangladesh are gone, and now 9 from Cameroon.

Here are the 6 from Sierra Leone who were found in Sydney yesterday.
It's a fascinating topic - I certainly have read and spoken to a lot of people who are really annoyed that these athletes would do that. I don't share that view - I really don't.
You and I will NEVER (hopefully) understand ANY of what it is like to live in a country ravaged by war, conflict and poverty. It's easy to say things like 'there are lots of people in those situations who are seeking refuge here, why should these people jump the queue'. I'll tell you why, and no, it's not about the fact they are athletes and therefore could bolster our 'stocks'. It's called compassion. They are here, and are pleading for help. That's why.
One thing about Jesus was he never took his eye off the individual simply because of the 'greater good'. He healed a man who was a leper because he was in need, not necessarily because he was the 'most' deserving, or the one who had been affected the longest. The man was present, so Jesus showed compassion - that was enough. The simple question I ask is 'can you blame them for staying?' Of course not. Keep in mind all the things we will never understand about a land of war and strife, and can you blame them for attempting to stay here once they make it over here?
Is there a risk of 'opening up the floodgates'? Of course there is. But if we start saying we would rather keep them out, and leave them to those situations rather than have this place overrun and our quality of life drop then we are truly nationalistic, but also lacking any human compassion. And for me, as a Christian, compassion MUST come before nationalism and national pride, even with this country I hold so dear. Compassion for humans is a duty. Personally, if they are found to be at risk and truly in danger then they should be allowed to stay, regardless of if someone still over in the other country may be 'more deserving' (however you actualy can define that). They are here, they need help, that should be enough.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear me,
Happy birthday to me!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The best thing was in the 100m for visually impaired. They are allowed a guide if they want, who is meant to run along side them to help them know where they are, when to stop etc. One poor bloke had a guide that was SO slow, the athlete had crossed the finish line and his guide was ONLY HALFWAY DOWN THE TRACK! The sad, but also awesome thing was, because of this, the poor guy kept running! He ended up doing a full 400m before the officials stopped him. What was great though was not his misfortune, but the AWESOME cheering and clapping he was getting from the crowd. People realised what had happened, and felt perhaps a little embarassed, but also recognised the awesome achievement of an athlete like this guy. It was touching. It was moving. Now he just needs a better guide...
Then Monday night it was dinner with Fee and Darren (Darren was meant to join us afterwards as well at the G, but he scammed a coaches pass to the swimming!!!! pool-side with the athletes! to see Leisel smash her world record). Anyway, off the G again, this time to see Asafa romp in the 100m, and Craig Mottram, and Brooke Krueger-Billett who won the hammer throw.
Just had to put that in - they won both the men's and women's 100m, and now have 4 golds! My adopt-a-team is thumping Brad's. Not that I'm gloating or anything... Not at all...
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Sweaty velodrome and Ricardo!
Good on him though - he ended up getting 5th in the Mens Sprints, so awesome effort, and close to the first medal for a Jamaican these games.
On the Aussie note, seeing the Meares girls in action was awesome, as was watching Ryan Bayley (who as I write this just got through to the semis).
Go Aussie, Go Jamaica. Aussies you rock! Jamaica, you are frankly the coolest of all Commonwealth nations.
Tomorrow we go to the 'G' to see the heats of the 100m and the marathon finishes, followed by the 'G' again on Monday night to see the 100m finals (go Asafa). Finally, next Saturday we are back at the 'G' - it's a sell out so will be awesome - to watch the relays and Mottram. Gonna be a HUGE week! :)
Friday, March 17, 2006
The ref!
Still, as always is the case we had our chances and they were dropped. Oh well. We still made the next round so all is not lost!
Please forgive me if most of my posts are of a sporting nature over the next week or so. I'm such a sucker for sport, and with the first test on (good one Clarkey!), the games, and the footy season about to start I'm a little inundated with things to watch. I'm on the lookout for odd little stories on the games though, so if I see something cool I'll post it.
And don't foget - GO JAMAICA!!!
And Jimmy Cliff did a free concert last night at the Myer Music Bowl. How cool is that? (I may well be showing my age with that last comment...)
Thursday, March 16, 2006
The duck and the fish
For those of you who watched the Commonwealth Games opening ceremony and were thinking 'what the hell was that duck thing all about' well, now is your chance to get an explanation (sort of, anyway).
That link is a link to an article by the author of the poem himself, Michael Leunig, where he (kind of) explains the duck metaphor.
If you can't be bothered reading it here is a quick run down. A Russian dude ran in Melbourne at the '56 Olympics and won the 10,000m. He represented the duck given the cold war was on and he was in enemy territory.
There you have it... go figure!
The Fish
And finally, those fish on the Yarra are apparently looking for a home. The proposed idea by Johnny So is to give one to different municipalities, and keep one on the Yarra near the aquarium. Not a bad idea Johnny! But I also think I deserve one in my back yard.... or we could put one in Steve's pool!
Yeah maan!

Brad and I have decided to adopt a country for this Commonwealth Games. It's not about Australia - we love Australia. It's just we already know we are going to win the medal tally (whether you count properly - gold medals first, or whether you cheat like the Americans and change the way you count when the Aussies beat you at the world swimming championships...).
So, we are adopting countries that certainly have a shot at a medal or two (don't want total disappointment!) but aren't seen as a big threat. Go the under-dog!
I'm going with Jamaica. Brad went with Cameroon (boo!!!) . Lets see who comes through with the goods... I'm quietly confident, but am a true under-dog. Apart from Asafa Brad's boys and girls look stronger, and I do mean stronger - they should get medals in weightlifting...
Bring it on Jamaica! Win some gold for you biggest supporter in the whole world... or not... but a solid supporter for the purposes of these games none the less!
For your listening pleasure, the National Anthem of Jamaica.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
cynic-o-meter goes into high gear
Turns out Jana Pitman decided not to be a part of the Queen's Baton relay this afternoon in the city for the Commonwealth Games which starts tomorrow night. Reason cited was the persistent hamstring injury. Oh yeh, I forgot that, and I quote 'She'll be 100 per cent when she steps out on the track in the competition [next week]'.
Do you know what would be really refreshing for once? Honesty. Why can't her manager just say 'We know Jana is having issues with both the public and the press, partly unfairly but mainly due to the fact she is a whinger and has just recently said she doesn't want to run for our country anymore. As a result we feel she may not receive a warm and friendly welcome from the public (who can blame them really) and also feel her safety may even be at risk. To avoid the possible embarrassment she has decided to stay home.'
What would it hurt to be honest? NOBODY is really going to believe after everything that has gone on in the last week that she really has a hammy issue. Usually when it smells like poo, it's because it IS poo...
Amazing potatoes and SERIOUSLY nasty burgers...
However, I still had an awesome time. And thanks to all those who helped Sharon, Frij and myself during the weekend - we simply couldn't have done it without you all!
I learnt a lot and frankly if I ever have the opportunity/privilege/fortune/misfortune/any other word to describe it to do another camp I can see exactly where things need to be done better... Not sure it's something I want to put into practice, but at least I know!
Special mention to our roast potatoes on Sunday night. They were pretty much the best potatoes I've ever had, which was a big win given they were served up at a camp, when almost ANYTHING tastes good. (Almost... see below for exceptions).
Special mention to the burgers on Monday afternoon as the WORST thing we dished up - it's embarrassing to even call them 'burgers'. That name conjures up far better things than that food could EVER be! For those who were there and are interested, I asked Annie and Kate to go get cheap crappy ones, in the interest of cost savings. Sometimes homebrand stuff is ok, so we thought why not? Well, Annie and Kate came through with the goods! That would be commendable except for the fact that by coming through, they actually managed to take the term 'cheap and crappy' to a WHOLE new level. Seriously. If you weren't there, count yourself VERY lucky. To start with, the packet says 65% beef. Now, the obvious question is 'what is the other 35%'? but a BETTER question would be 'If it really WAS 65% wouldn't it a) Look red and not white like chicken, and b) taste like something other than some nasty deep fried stale bread'? So, I think the question should be 'why did the printers miss out the dot when printing 6.5% beef'? That is just false advertising!
Oh yeh, the one neat thing about these 'burgers' was that they had a really cool ability... Turns out they were self-oiling. That's right. No oil needed on THIS grill... no sir! But why does the oil look like mountain dew??? And how can such a small pattie hold that much of it?
Frij and I decided that at roughly 10 cents per burger we must have been paying for the oil, and the 'meat' was free (all 6.5% of it...)
So once again I apologise profusely to all those on camp who ate one and happen to be reading this. Kate and I made a pact that we would never again buy them for any reason, ever. I suggest you all follow that advice. If it's a white homebrand burger pack with blue writing (can't remember which homebrand - someone fill me in if you know) then do NOT buy them. Don't be cheap. Spend money and buy burgers that contain meat!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
The Scoreboard
Look to the left. Just below the picture of me with my head stuck in a very large fake-clay pot from K-Mart...
It's 'The Scoreboard'.
What exactly is The Scoreboard you ask?
Glad you did!
It records the number of wins between myself and Brad when playing driving games on Xbox... And just so it's really clear, I'm the first number, not the second one...
'Nuff said!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Culinary Genius!
No, not really. But it's late and the name does have a certain ring to it. Of course, that makes remembering it easier, so that's no bad thing when you are a chef.
Why you ask. Why mention this man? Well, I was given an interesting Christmas present from Sharon last year. A certificate to attend a class on making pasta by chef Tobie Puttock. Starting to make sense now? Good.
Let me tell you, this was absolutely sensational! It was a lot of fun. And Toby really knows italian food. Good credentials working in Italy etc. (I know, I know, a last name like Guccione or something might sound more credible, but hey...). Anyway, I'm inspired again to try my hand at home made pasta. Any takers?
Chatted to him after the class. Great bloke. I like people who have great experiences, know who is worth knowing, and yet still just act like real, normal people. Much respect! For those of you who know about the Jamie Oliver restaurant Fifteen, if you read up a few articles you won't see Tobie's name far away from Jamie's. Tobie was the executive chef at Fifteen in London, and is now heading up the Fifteen here in Melbourne, in the Windsor Hotel basement.
He also appears on the Aussie version of Ready Steady Cook. (Thanks for that piece of info Freindy - he's the one with the fuzzy/curly hair).
Google Tobie Puttock for more info. I'm a convert. The man is a sensation! and sometime soon-ish he has a book coming out. Stick it on your Christmas list to buy me somebody please!
OK. Enough shameless promoting of other people. I'm off to bed. Gotta get my sleep before cooking for 60 people on camp this weekend... (and no, I will not be testing out my new inspiration for pasta on 60 kids who wouldn't appreciate it anyway!!!)
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Freindy the angry little man...
He's an angry little man right now!
Check the link to his blog in the the link section on the left hand side for the low-down. Really. Do it. It's funny!
Oh yeh, and I wiped his backside 6 wins to none on xbox Rallisport Challenge 2 the other night... Just thought I'd throw that in. I believe I said something like "you've got some time before you go out, how about I kick your ass at a game of something". The reply went along the lines of "Ummmm... I'll play, but I'm not so sure you'll kick my ass".
Poor Brad, he was serious too. He really thought he'd win :)
Bring it on Freindy. Any time.
Da Boyz!

I have told some of you about my mate in the UK who had triplets. (well, his mrs did, but you know what i mean).
The boys have some Nigerian blood in them, so they are the cutest things in the whole world! So, i thought i'd post a recent picture of them so you can all see! they are now about 15 months old.
(Click the picture for a better size)
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Of wobbly legged friends and practical jokesters
If you read this, hope all the tests and things go ok. Passing out so that you don't have to finish your gig on Sunday night was a bit drastic in my opinion... i mean, we weren't playing THAT bad were we???
So anyway, sitting at home this evening Sharon and I are watching CSI when I see someone through the blind and hear running down our decking. Naturally I go outside to check it out, and what do I see. We'll, firstly I see things plastered to the outside of my car. They read
Name: Nath & Sharon
Crime: Asking too many questions...
Sentence: A lifetime supply of pranking!
So anyway, I then look up to see someone (and yes, I DO know which one of you it was although I assume you were both there...) running away down the driveway into the distance. Not-so-mystery-girl, you would have been better staying put - I wouldn't have gone that far... But taking off down the driveway wasn't exactly composed under pressure. :)
So, I'm wondering what to do, what to do. I mean, I simply asked the obvious question as to whether or not they lipsticked Brad's car, which it seemed pretty likely they did. Next thing I know they mess with someone in a whole different LEAGUE!
We're watching girls... and of course we know who you are, so if the metaphorical gauntlet has been slapped across the face then so be it. Just wondering whether exposure on my Blog will help with the publicity...
Hmmm... nah. Not yet anyway...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
What do you want... pretty busy here!
Just a quick note for anybody still checking my blog to say I know it's been a week (again). I'm getting there. Work is swamping me and from a mental engery perspective, so any time I have left I just kind of flake out at the moment. I'll work on the posting - promise!
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
"Hello, Kettle? Pot here. You're black!"
It's one thing to stand up for your beliefs. Another entirely when you stand up for your beliefs, but then go and do the same thing in return... The protests become irrelevant and disempowered. Those moderates who may have been sympathetic become enitrely less so when you retaliate in kind. I can certainly understand how this could be the response of some to what was a deeply offensive incident to their beliefs. It's just that it's difficult once you start doing the same thing in return.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
The little elves...

OK. No, I don't have a really good reason for posting this picture... Sorry about that. You see, when Sharon and I lived in the UK we took a trip to Venice, and down one of the very back alley ways, was a stunning little costume shop, filled with amazing hand crafted masks and things. In the front window were these four dolls. They were so amazing that I wanted an excuse to post them here... I couldn't think of an excuse, so i just went ahead and posted them anyway. If you can think of a story for them then please post a comment - I'm dying here!
Oh yeh. To REALLY see how good they look, click the picture for a larger version!
Other blogs
If you are reading my blog and want a link to yours on my site, place the reference in the comment section. If I like it I'll make a link. (And in return put a link to mine in yours - you know you want to!)
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Free speech and your beliefs
How do you weigh up freedom of speech and expression against the rights of others not to feel offended, disenfranchised and mocked? How do you understand each other when you view the world so fundamentally differently?
As a committed Christian, I know my job is to love others and stand up for my beliefs, but I get frustrated when I hear people with no religious convictions complain about religion and politics not mixing. The very nature of who I am cannot suddenly split into two seperate things. Every way I view the world is THROUGH my beliefs, as is every other person on this planet.
So, I read an article yesterday pointing out a couple of things. Firstly, it stated the reason that images of Muhammad are not allowed is to avoid a situation of idolatry. As a Christian, I can understand this concern. The author then argues that therefore, these cartoons should not be an issue - they are hardly going to lead a Muslim into idolatry. Fair point - sort of. He also then stated that there are Islamic bookstores that have violent literature promoting hatred and violence towards both Jews and Christians, and that this is far worse than the cartoons, and smacks of grave hypocracy.
Now, on the surface at least, the argument seems reasonable. However, the reality of religion is not always one of seeing things the same way for all. Perhaps it should, and certainly that is a reason many don't like religions of any kind. But when you fight for your beliefs you don't always see things as others would - your concern is your beliefs. You may fight for a cartoon, but still have literature condemning others. Right or wrong, that is often the case, and THAT seems to be the problem here - that is not something that can be changed by sound reasoning and logical arguments.
I'm sure not all Muslims feel burning down embassies and killing people is a reasonable response to the act of someone who according to their beliefs is doomed anyway, but it is evident that some do. It is happening even as I write this in response to those cartoons.
Publishing those cartoons is a strong statement that people won't be bowed to others' censorship. And since the original publication (over 4 months ago, so why the flare up now??) it has been published by roughly 20 other publications in other countries as a show of support. But, if anyone thinks that will somehow 'prove' the point then I fear they have it all wrong. It is just as likely to widen the gap between Islam and the West and just as likely to push moderate Muslims to more extreme views.
The only question remains is this: Is that reason enough to censor freedom of speech? I have my own answer, but it's my own... What's yours?
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
That's better!
Mum turned 60 yesterday. Happy birthday mum! Makes me feel old. I mean, I remember when 60 seemed so old, but mum isn't old like that at all! And if that's the case, it means that she doesn't seem that old because I'm getting older myself... sobering thought that...
Had Jay, Jode and Eman and S-pack around for dinner on Saturday night. What a great family! Seth decided to face plant our kitchen tiles. No lasting damage, but a nice little bruise. The thing is, as sad for him as it was it just looks so funny when a beautiful little baby who is just sitting there suddenly loses balance and topples over. Legs go up, limbs everywhere, with no control at all...
I'm hungry and it's nearly time to finish work for the day so that's it... Not really very exciting huh? Still, I posted, and that's at least something.
Friday, January 27, 2006
sore and hot
The trouble is I can barely move. I started a new gym program on Wednesday that the fitness instructor Troy made for me... It hurt... a LOT... I figure once I'm used to it it'll be fantastic, but until then I'm just sore. My thighs are just two big bruises.
That's it for now. Hopefully more to follow...
Monday, January 23, 2006
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Adelaide and a christmas cat...
Came home and our cat has again decided it must be christmas, and was kind enough to leave us a present on the carpet in our room... We had Brad and Aaron staying around, and they looked after him just fine, so no idea what the deal was. He just likes leaving us christmas presents about once per week. AND he never has the decency to leave them on the kitchen tiles. OH NOOOOO. He needs to leave them on the carpet - every time! Maybe the tiles are too cold for his bottom...
*sigh* I just wish he wasn't such a legend of a cat - otherwise I think we would have made him into dim sims by now...
Monday, January 09, 2006
New Age better than 'religion' and war
What I started thinking about though was why is it that this type of thing is readily accepted by a lot of people in this day and age yet something like Christianity turns them off so much? I know it's not a new question, but it's one I haven't pondered for a long time.
The things I guess I came up with as likely were these:
- a lot of New Age teaching very much allows you to do basically whatever you want, while just keeping sure you don't hurt others too much in the process.
- I don't see any wars being fought at a country level over New Age teaching, which is a lot more inclusive than most organised religions such as Christianity and Islam.
So how do we compete with this? And I do mean compete. See, I may be as sure as anything that what I believe is real, but until someone else can see that for themselves what I believe is just another organised religion, and one that by it's very nature requires at least a few changes. And even if those changes are helped by God, it's a tough 'sell'.
But then again, that's what the Spirit is for. That's the bit that does beyond our strength and into the realm of the supernatural...
Food for thought anyway.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Maybe I should add it to my New Years resolutions...