I know - I've been gone a long time. Maybe even it'll be a while until you check to see if I've posted seeing as I've been away so long... I understand. Sorry about that. I was finishing off working with the last client I had, then I had two weeks off including going to Adelaide, then I was in Sydney on a conference for a week. But enough of me. I DO have a purpose today.
You see, I figured I would blog about something specific.
Brad had Pierre, then he bought Sebastien. He even spelt it like a French tosser - accent, e instead of a *sigh*... (Sorry Brad, but it's true!)
So, it's time for the world to meet Davo (for you non-Aussies out there, pronounce it Dave-oh). Now, the car in the picture is a repoduction of Davo, but Davo is identical. Think of them as identical twins if you will. It's just that I don't pick up Davo probably until Monday next week... Stupid paperwork...

Nice to have you home, Davo - you and your 18" rims. Maybe we should take a spin one day and see if little Seb can keep up...
*mumbles* little French poodle *mumbles*
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