Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Guy Goma - a dead-set legend!!!

Heard about this one yet? It seems the BBC made a boo boo! Yep, it turns out Guy Goma, a Congo native who is a London cabbie, was at the BBC to go to a job interview in their IT support department.

The trouble was, someone mistook him for Guy Kewney, an IT journalist who the BBC was expecting as a guest expert on their news show... Yep, you can guess what happened next. They get this poor bloke on NATIONAL TV to discuss the legal battle between the Apple computer company and the Apple recording company owned by the Beetles.

It's funny. It's damn funny! I feel sorry for the bloke though, he missed out on the job. In fact I don't even know if he got a replacement interview... Anyway, here's the website... Check it out.

The dumbing-down of our society...

*sigh* Big Brother... the Big BB... I simply won't watch it. I even give Sharon crap when she does (which, in her defence is pretty rare). I know, I know. We hear it in the news all the time. The moral decay of society... Blah blah...

I'm not worried about their morals though. Forget that. That's their choice, not mine. It's the sheer (lack of) quality of the actual program that gets me. We all know the whole thing is massively manipulated by the fact that we see only what the producers want us to see. We all know that they have the power to paint the housemates in almost any light they see fit. (Yes yes, I know they can only show stuff that happens, but you can easily show parts of a conversation and make it look like something entirely different. Cut out the end, miss the start etc etc).

So I was in the kitchen the other night and between add breaks on a BBC cooking show on Foxtel Sharon was watching the BB nomination night.

There was Gretel Killeen, interviewing the dude who was evicted the night before. (No idea of his name). He said the one thing we ALL know already, that they edit the footage and can portray a scene in any light they choose, and that he felt at least a little hard done by in one such episode.

Well, Gretel went sick. Yep, that is the only way to describe her childish out burst. She belonged in a kindergarten, not on a prime time high rating TV show. 'How dare you say we edit the show!' 'I've been doing this for 6 years and we don't edit' Blah blah blah. Crap crap crap.

The very fact that they have maybe 10? cameras filming 24 hours a day, and yet they show one hour shows from 240 hours footage means you edit Gretel. There IS no alternative. And by editing you have complete power to portray things in any light you wish. We all know this already. How dumb do you think we are? How could you possibly claim you don't???

So, to come on national television and claim that BB never edits footage is one of the most ludicrous and crazy statements I've heard. You embarassed yourself on national television and did yourself no favours at all.

Between that and the 'you are not being clear' every five seconds from BB when they were being about as clear as a clear piece of glass just made me want to throw my crumpet (which was what I was making at the time in the kitchen) at the tv... Glad I didn't though, the crumpet was a lot more satisfying than the show was...

Right. I feel SOOO much better now. That we really annoying me. Getting it off my chest was very cathartic!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Today's funny informational facts...

OK, a couple of odd things for the day...

Checked my web site stats today just out of curiosity. I know you can go to blog sites on blogspot and they can give you a random blog to go to next. At least, I ASSUME that's why someone got to my blog from this one...

Yep, someone got to my blog from a link at the eroticwrestling blog. Now, I have NOT clicked this link (I'm at work, so doing so could well get me fired given the title...) and I do not necessarily endorse what they do either, but hey, it's a wide and varied world we live in! :) My blog sure would be a let down for that poor person given the likely content in the previous blog they visited. I guess they COULD have a link to my site, but I highly doubt that... If anyone is game enough to check feel free to let me know in the comments section...

Second funny fact:

According to Google Trends - in 2006 more people searched the word "sheep" into Google from New Zealand OR the UK than put "Jessica Alba"AND "Eva Longoria" combined!!! (Number 1 and 2 in a recent FHM top 100 sexiest women poll). Australia had their priorities more in order.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The 'Beast'

Well, we have a new blogger in our midst! That's right, the inimitable Beth! Find her blog here. It's called The Beastwood, which is frankly pretty clever, and is also a fair estimation, as she's a bit of a party animal... Just check out the photo of her moves. I do believe from memory that photo was taken during the song Golddigger... You should have seen her when the line "Get down girl go'head get down" was belting out!!!! Talkin' 'bout drop it like it's hot!

We look forward to hearing more from Betho! I've attached a permanent link to go with the other famous bloggers I know!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sport as far as the eye can see!

Ah Sport... gotta love it don't ya?

Last weekend was a sportravanganza... or something like that anyway.

Friday night kicked off with Dean, Steve and myself watching the (woeful, it must be said) St Kilda - Geelong game.

Got up Saturday morning, watched the Miami - NJ NBA game. Missed the afternoon footy game due to rehearsal. In the evening, it was chillin' in Steve's spa with him and Dusty, watching both the West Coast - Magpies, and the Hawthorn - Brisbane game (shame about that Bruce for Brown trade Freindy! That cost you a bundle!!!)

Got home at midnight, just in time to watch the FA Cup final live, which went into extra time, and then a penalty shootout. It was an incredible game, with Gerard kicking one of the most outstanding goals I've ever seen at the end to level the score.

Then it was up on Sunday morning for the Spurs - Dallas NBA game. This was followed instantly by the Port - Bulldogs game (GO Dogs!) and the day ended with the 8:30 replay of Bombers - Carlton before a well earned rest...

It was decadent. It was OTT. It was just damn wonderful!!!

And no, don't think 'poor Sharon, she is the neglected wife' - she was away for the weekend.

See, I had my excuse!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Nath's assorted ramblings

Sorry folks, I know it's been WAY too long between drinks... No excuses. I was in Sydney last week, and very busy, but I had the week before that so no good excuses anyway!

I'm reading an interesting book at the moment called the Cross and the Crescent by Phil Parshall. Phil is a missionary in Muslim countries and this book is an interesting examination of the Muslim faith by a Christian how understands their faith, their culture, their questions doubts and belief, just as much some of us understand Christianity.

It's a fascinating read. It's not easy - he's a scholar, so the book is a little on the essay-ish side. I like that, but the style isn't going to be the easiest to read. I can however recommend the book. With all that is going on in the world - the polarisation of religious thinking and marginalisation of Muslims by the western world, this book is in my mind really important.

Lately I've been thinking I just don't really know anything much about the Muslim faith. Ignorance is not a good thing, so I set out to find out more. I wanted to do it though by getting information from a Christian source, but one that LIVES in Muslim communities, one that really does understand what they face, and what they believe.

This book is just that. It looks at the message of Islam, the Quran, the Hadith and the message of Christianity and the Bible in comparison.

I might put down some thoughts on this book over the coming weeks. We shall see. One thing is for sure - I can't read more than a few pages without having my mind go into overdrive. Phil sure makes me THINK. And that's a good thing!

Do yourself a favour, go an buy this book - I challenge you to enlarge your understanding of what others believe, in the hope that if ever required, we may better relate to them, and thereby perhaps be sensitive to them. As well, this book is primarily an evangelism tool to Muslims. This may help equip you for a conversation you never even thought you would have!