Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Latte and 3 sugars man...

Well, I hadn't seen him out in the street since I last posted on him in my blog entry 'What good a cup of coffee???'

And then yesterday, needing a walk to clear my head, I started wandering down Collins St and it started to rain. Picking up the pace to get back to the office, there he was - squatting in the same spot as last time. Only this time he was barely out of the rain. Remembering he liked a latte with three sugars, I went over to the cafe and bought him one. When I went up to him and gave it to him, he was just the happiest bloke on the earth for that moment.

Whether it was that I remembered what he liked, or simply that I was there, it worked. It helped. It was the right thing.

Anyway, his name is Leslie. He stays with the Salvos when he can afford it (they are cheap, but he still is expected to pay something) so comes out and begs when he needs more money to stay in-doors. He's a good bloke. I gave him some cash - I hope he got back inside - it was darn cold last night.

Kinda puts things in perspective doesn't it... And he seemed pretty darn normal. I wonder what his story is...


Wendy G said...

Hey, it sounds good to have seen him again! It's amazing how many totally normal people fall on hard times or make the odd dud decision and find themselves in a difficult spot (just ask Pete L I bet).

Another Footy Fans Blog said...

Wendy! Don't say that! Pete Limmo hasn't made THAT many dud decisions, surely!!!


fee said...

nath, i think this is awesome! who knows what that random cup of coffee has started!!!!