Thursday, February 09, 2006

The little elves...

Once there were four little elves. Two of them couldn't stop licking their lips because of all the chocolate they just ate, one was VERY upset because she didn't get any, and the fourth one... well, "d'uh, what chocolate?" is the kind of the HE most often says...

OK. No, I don't have a really good reason for posting this picture... Sorry about that. You see, when Sharon and I lived in the UK we took a trip to Venice, and down one of the very back alley ways, was a stunning little costume shop, filled with amazing hand crafted masks and things. In the front window were these four dolls. They were so amazing that I wanted an excuse to post them here... I couldn't think of an excuse, so i just went ahead and posted them anyway. If you can think of a story for them then please post a comment - I'm dying here!

Oh yeh. To REALLY see how good they look, click the picture for a larger version!

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