Sunday, February 26, 2006

Of wobbly legged friends and practical jokesters


If you read this, hope all the tests and things go ok. Passing out so that you don't have to finish your gig on Sunday night was a bit drastic in my opinion... i mean, we weren't playing THAT bad were we???

So anyway, sitting at home this evening Sharon and I are watching CSI when I see someone through the blind and hear running down our decking. Naturally I go outside to check it out, and what do I see. We'll, firstly I see things plastered to the outside of my car. They read

Name: Nath & Sharon
Crime: Asking too many questions...
Sentence: A lifetime supply of pranking!

So anyway, I then look up to see someone (and yes, I DO know which one of you it was although I assume you were both there...) running away down the driveway into the distance. Not-so-mystery-girl, you would have been better staying put - I wouldn't have gone that far... But taking off down the driveway wasn't exactly composed under pressure. :)

So, I'm wondering what to do, what to do. I mean, I simply asked the obvious question as to whether or not they lipsticked Brad's car, which it seemed pretty likely they did. Next thing I know they mess with someone in a whole different LEAGUE!

We're watching girls... and of course we know who you are, so if the metaphorical gauntlet has been slapped across the face then so be it. Just wondering whether exposure on my Blog will help with the publicity...

Hmmm... nah. Not yet anyway...


fee said...

can't wait to see the outcome, not sure if i want to get involved or not...yet!!!
also, can't wait to have you as my perosnal (along with the other 60) cook for camp. it's shaping up to be very interesting!

Another Footy Fans Blog said...

ah yes. just remember fee, you may be a girl, but this isn't about gender... just remember who your long time friends are and we will be just fine!

besides... keep in mind i'm the cook. already those 2 young ladies are up for a cheese booger... errr i mean burger....

choose wisely oh great friend. let age, and not gender be your guide...