Thursday, March 30, 2006

Aussie Rules in full swing!

Yeh baby! The season begins again! No more pre-season crap. No more off-season trade talk and garbage! Now we get to see them PLAY! Now we get to actually scream and cheer and lose Friday nights, Saturday all day and Sunday afternoon and hear our wives tell us off for ignoring them all weekend. (That's not all good, but hey, it's footy, right?)

Lets go DOGGIES! Not sure how my boys will do this year - losing 3 guys over 6ft 5in for the whole season is not a good sign, but hey we'll see how we go anyway. As a proud member of the Western Bulldogs footy club I shall be there cheering them on regardless.

Oh yeh, and I have Foxtel coming on Tuesday, so this year I won't miss ANY games I want to see! Ahh the joy! The excitement!

On another note, Brad moves out on Saturday. Bye Brad. He was a good boarder. He has a messy room, but hey, if you close the door nobody notices! It was fun Brad, for what we saw of each other. I'm helping him and Millsy and Annie move on Saturday because I am a nice guy (NOT because I want to ensure he really does leave, contrary to popular opinion!!!)

So it's back to 'Naked Tuesdays' again for me... I mean... Ummm... You didn't read that ok?

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