Wednesday, December 14, 2005

It's no different

Had our final rehersal for this weekend's three carols gigs in at Federation Square in the city. Had a great chat afterwards with some of the muso's from Richmond AOG. Afterwards, Dave and I talked with a couple of them about experiences in the church - things like what's really important, burnout and working too hard, but always doing stuff that's IN the church, and other things like that. JR mentioned that he was a little surprised that our experiences were basically exactly the same as theirs and that they figured it was kind of an AOG thing.

Well, it's not. Same stuff. Same challenges. Same issues. At the end of the day it's easy for us to get too busy, do too much. And interestingly enough most of it doesn't really reach out to communities that we actually need to help.

It may be a lesson we are learning at the Box Hill Salvos already, but it's worth mentioning anyway. If too much of what we do is inward, it isn't that much different from a self-serving social club for members. Funny, I don't recall Jesus doing much of that...

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