Friday, December 09, 2005

Brass bands... who needs 'em?

Went out with some of the Box Hill Salvation Army Brass Band last night, walking around the suburban streets of Box Hill knocking on doors, wishing people a merry christmas, handing out lollies for the kids etc while the band played carols.

It's the most fun I've had in ages. I got to chat to quite a lot of wonderful people and just generally had a great time.

It made me think though... I don't believe anything really other than a brass band would have had the effect on bringing out the people from the neighbourhood. A choir wouldn't have been loud enough, and a modern group not only would have required electricity, but just wouldn't have been the same.

I always enjoyed playing in the brass band as a little kid, but I have had a lot of reason to question the relevance in today's society over the last 10 years or so. Some of that I still hold to, but I DID get reminded of something last night - those blokes who sacrifice their time and energy both for rehersals and performances, and who come out to do this deserve our thanks. Me knocking on peoples doors without the band would just have been useless. Thanks band. You guys are great!

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