Because i'm tired, frustrated and generally annoyed i'm putting this post in my blog as a release.
It's 8:30 pm Saturday evening. I've been sitting here at work (where I am now - and yes, I DID say 8:30 PM on SATURDAY...)
I've been here since 7:30 am without a break.
I'm putting in a major project.
Things have gone horribly wrong.
I currently have a phone stuck pressed between my head and my shoulder while I type this, on hold to a support group for a third party in the U.S.
Not my ideal way to spend Saturday night (or Saturday day, or anything else for that matter...)
The whole network is basically down.
It's needs to be NOT down.
Very badly it needs to be NOT down.
Monday morning when people come back to work, it most DEFINITELY needs to be NOT down.
I also amd desperately in need of sleep, food and a general holiday.
The next 12 hours or so could get VERY interesting.
This is the bit of I.T. I DON'T like.
And for those of you who know me, and may think I make good money, try dealing with this and you may ask yourself if it's all worth it... I sure sometimes do... This is NOT a good situation to be in.
Well, luckily I don't actually panic, unlike a few people I work with, so as far as it goes I'm still relatively clear-headed.
And this helped get it off my chest too!
Still on hold, but this blog has gone on long enough. I'm out.
Here's to hoping I get to see my wife and get some sleep soon...
UPDATE:It's 10:54 pm. Been on the phone now for 2 1/2 hours to the U.S.
Worried about falling asleep. We've tried a lot of thing with this guy. They aren't working. In fact, there is no guarantee things cna be put back exactly as they were even given we full and complete backups. Go figure. Who'd ever think complete full backups wouldn't save you if all else fails?!?!?!?!
I've been here 15 1/2 hours now. No break. No meals. 1 can of coke, 2 coffees, 1 bag of chips and a donut all day.
This could be a very bad weekend in my life. In fact, I'm half-way through and it already qualifies.
Signing off again for now. Depending on how things go I may update again just to keep myself sane, and awake...
Update 2:11:55 PM...
Still here... Have no idea if we are any closer to a solution or not...
Update 3:Now things get interesting. I call the managers, let them know how things are, and ask if we can get one of the other engineers in so I can send Rob home (who's been here since 7:30, like me).
They say yes. Only thing is, the other bloke who can help us while we are working with the U.S. lives in Geelong.
So we ring. He says yep. But... He's chugged back 3 beers. His ok to think, but driving is not the right thing to do. So as I type this, I'm waiting on whether or not I can get approval for a taxi to the city from Geelong so I can get him in and send Rob home.
Fingers crossed!
Of course, if he comes in, I stay, if he doesn't I go home as I can't stay here on my own for OH&S reasons.
It's now 17 1/2 hours straight! Damn my job is interesting some times!!! (NOT in a good way, in case you didn't get the tone of that last sentence).
OK. Signing out again. Let's see if I get another update on here before I go home! Yay me! I'm getting delirious! I know I will look back on this post and cringe!!!
Update 4:Re-read this blog. Sorry about the spelling and grammatical errors. I'm tired...
It's now 1:42 AM. David is in a taxi on his way from Geelong, Rob and I have been on the phone to the U.S. since 8PM (LOVE to see that phone bill!!!)... Rob is going home once David gets here. David and I WILL finish getting things working.
We will because we have to. 1500 users at the client I work for can't be not able to work on Monday.
OK. Back to work. Just had a Snickers to give me some energy. That makes it a coke, a donut, a pack of chips, 2 coffees and a snickers since 6:30 AM yesterday... Looking at that is REALLY not good.
Update 5:Hopefully we are nearing getting this fixed. Things seem somewhat better. David is in. Rob hasn't gone yet. Vision getting rather blurry...