*sigh* Big Brother... the Big BB... I simply won't watch it. I even give Sharon crap when she does (which, in her defence is pretty rare). I know, I know. We hear it in the news all the time. The moral decay of society... Blah blah...
I'm not worried about their morals though. Forget that. That's their choice, not mine. It's the sheer (lack of) quality of the actual program that gets me. We all know the whole thing is massively manipulated by the fact that we see only what the producers want us to see. We all know that they have the power to paint the housemates in
almost any light they see fit. (Yes yes, I know they can only show stuff that happens, but you can easily show parts of a conversation and make it look like something entirely different. Cut out the end, miss the start etc etc).
So I was in the kitchen the other night and between add breaks on a BBC cooking show on Foxtel Sharon was watching the BB nomination night.
There was Gretel Killeen, interviewing the dude who was evicted the night before. (No idea of his name). He said the one thing we ALL know already, that they edit the footage and can portray a scene in any light they choose, and that he felt at least a little hard done by in one such episode.
Well, Gretel went sick. Yep, that is the only way to describe her childish out burst. She belonged in a kindergarten, not on a prime time high rating TV show. 'How dare you say we edit the show!' 'I've been doing this for 6 years and we don't edit' Blah blah blah. Crap crap crap.
The very fact that they have maybe 10? cameras filming 24 hours a day, and yet they show one hour shows from 240 hours footage means you edit Gretel. There IS no alternative. And by editing you have complete power to portray things in any light you wish. We all know this already. How dumb do you think we are? How could you possibly claim you don't???
So, to come on national television and claim that BB never edits footage is one of the most ludicrous and crazy statements I've heard. You embarassed yourself on national television and did yourself no favours at all.
Between that and the 'you are not being clear' every five seconds from BB when they were being about as clear as a clear piece of glass just made me want to throw my crumpet (which was what I was making at the time in the kitchen) at the tv... Glad I didn't though, the crumpet was a lot more satisfying than the show was...
Right. I feel SOOO much better now. That we really annoying me. Getting it off my chest was very cathartic!