I want to add my voice to the growing chorus of Australians who realise that the big giant Telco in the Sky (Telstra) really does suck, have really been the cause of
Let me give you my example. I have an ADSL account with a service provider (not Telstra - they are simply a rip-off - and that is easy to prove). Of course, while I am not with them, I still need to use my normal phone copper wiring sent to my home which was done by Telstra. I want ADSL 2+. I want faster internet, pure and simple. Most of the western world has great access to fast internet (this is not a hollow claim, do some research online). We don't.
I rang an ISP who offers ADSL 2+ in my area. The guy on the phone did some checking of my phone number against the Telstra database. That database said that it is unlikely that I can get ADSL 2+. The reason is simple - ADSL 2+ degrades over distance of cable. I'm borderline. I could take the gamble, but it costs money to switch ISP, and the likelihood is once the tests are completed they find I can still only have ADSL 1.
Of course, Telstra won't DO the tests until the switch is made... so it's a gamble I'm not going to take.
So, what's the problem. What's my alternative? Simple. There is no alternative that makes any sense cost-wise. And the future? Still nothing. Why? Because I was told by an ex-Telstra employee that they laid rubbish cable right into the 90's, knowing full well they should be laying data quality cable, but weren't. This is second hand info, so I cannot confirm it, but it certainly lines up with what I can see in my situation.
So I'm stuck. While in Korea I could have easy access to super fast internet at a cheap rate, I'm not. I'm in Australia. Where we have had a monopoly telco provider run by the government until recently that is so backwards in technological terms that getting out of that ditch of short-sightedness may literally take decades!
Couple that with the fact that all their services are over priced compared to the competition and the 'value add' they provide is worthless in most cases, and the situation stinks.
I can tell you one thing. I won't be buying Telstra shares. Not ever. I can't support a company that short sighted that is that disinterested in innovation and helping take forward this country of ours into the technological age.
It's a similar situation to Channel 9 suing ICE TV rather than supporting and embracing new technologies. Short sighted slow moving behemoths that hold all the money and like to throw around legal threats instead of supporting emerging technologies that could secure their business TRULY frustrate me - and they should frustrate you too! Why? Because it effects us all in the long run. Instead of being in the forefront, they lag behind because they don't see what is coming, then they use their position to stifle competition and threaten legal action at every turn because they have the funds to do so. It stinks! It really stinks! Vote with your feet people. Stay away from companies that are more interested in monopoly and law suits than innovation and advancement.
Thanks Telstra. Your disinterest in the country that supports your business, and your lack of care for us is inspiring! Inspiring us to stay away from your company in droves. Here's to hoping more and more people stay away until the big blind juggernaut finally catches on!
End of rant.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Telstra sucks!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Speaking of racial profiling...
Check this article in The Age today by author Peter Roebuck. Talking about a paranoid world and racial profiling! Talking about no opportunity for someone to be judged on their own merit!
Read it HERE.
Read it HERE.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Racial profiling...
I'm posting this without much thought. This may prove dangerous. I may add to it. I may delete it. Who knows...
I'm in a course all week learning about more computer stuff. At times I have to wait for things to happen so I did some surfing and was reading about a bloke in the NFL who was recently shot by an off-duty police officer, and is not doing too well at them moment (might be the three bullets they dug out of him).
Anyway, the claim from the police is the bloke was driving erraticaly, and to cut a long story short he was then followed, and in an exchange that followed was shot. The claim on the other side of the fence is he was targeted because he was black and had a great car - in other words, he could be a drug dealer or something bad at that's the only reason he was followed in the first place. In short, racial profiling. I make no comment on who I support in that specific story - I have no idea what went down and they accounts are so opposed it would be stupid to pick a side.
Now, I'm white, I'm 32, I live in Australia. I'm about the least likely to be racially profiled of just about any group. Therefore, I'm not sure I've ever really experienced it. Yet I want to say something on it anyway.
I HATE racial profiling.
It's everything a Christian should avoid. It cares nothing for who an individual is, and cares everything for a pre-conceived judgement. When I was in New York, Sharon and I dropped in to a factory outlet store near ground zero, where they had VERY expensive items at slightly less expensive prices. You know, $2,000 leather jackets for $1,700. That kind of thing. On the way out a white woman walked past the security guards with a store bag. They looked straight at her, looked at her bag and just let her through. Right behind her was a black 30-something guy. He also had the same bag. You can guess what happened to him. He's black. How could he afford a $2,000 jacket? That type of crap. I was appalled. It made me so angry (and believe me, the guy in question wasn't too happy either...)
So, you may be reading this, may even be getting a little frustrated yourself. Let me leave you with this question. Ever been on a train/bus/tram and a muslim man and woman in full muslim dress got on? Did you get uncomfortable? Even just for a moment? (I am ashamed to say I've caught myself doing that - but it taught me alot)
I hope you get what I'm getting at here. It's easy to be appalled by things like that story I gave about the black guy in New York (at least, I HOPE it is). But often we aren't immune to the prejudices that are relevant to issues in our own society - it gets into us through everything... Propaganda and prejudices are very easy to use to alter peoples' perceptions if we aren't careful. And at it's worst, there are a number of horrible examples in history about what that can lead nations to. Food for thought isn't it?
I guess that's what being "in the world but not of it" is all about.
I'm in a course all week learning about more computer stuff. At times I have to wait for things to happen so I did some surfing and was reading about a bloke in the NFL who was recently shot by an off-duty police officer, and is not doing too well at them moment (might be the three bullets they dug out of him).
Anyway, the claim from the police is the bloke was driving erraticaly, and to cut a long story short he was then followed, and in an exchange that followed was shot. The claim on the other side of the fence is he was targeted because he was black and had a great car - in other words, he could be a drug dealer or something bad at that's the only reason he was followed in the first place. In short, racial profiling. I make no comment on who I support in that specific story - I have no idea what went down and they accounts are so opposed it would be stupid to pick a side.
Now, I'm white, I'm 32, I live in Australia. I'm about the least likely to be racially profiled of just about any group. Therefore, I'm not sure I've ever really experienced it. Yet I want to say something on it anyway.
I HATE racial profiling.
It's everything a Christian should avoid. It cares nothing for who an individual is, and cares everything for a pre-conceived judgement. When I was in New York, Sharon and I dropped in to a factory outlet store near ground zero, where they had VERY expensive items at slightly less expensive prices. You know, $2,000 leather jackets for $1,700. That kind of thing. On the way out a white woman walked past the security guards with a store bag. They looked straight at her, looked at her bag and just let her through. Right behind her was a black 30-something guy. He also had the same bag. You can guess what happened to him. He's black. How could he afford a $2,000 jacket? That type of crap. I was appalled. It made me so angry (and believe me, the guy in question wasn't too happy either...)
So, you may be reading this, may even be getting a little frustrated yourself. Let me leave you with this question. Ever been on a train/bus/tram and a muslim man and woman in full muslim dress got on? Did you get uncomfortable? Even just for a moment? (I am ashamed to say I've caught myself doing that - but it taught me alot)
I hope you get what I'm getting at here. It's easy to be appalled by things like that story I gave about the black guy in New York (at least, I HOPE it is). But often we aren't immune to the prejudices that are relevant to issues in our own society - it gets into us through everything... Propaganda and prejudices are very easy to use to alter peoples' perceptions if we aren't careful. And at it's worst, there are a number of horrible examples in history about what that can lead nations to. Food for thought isn't it?
I guess that's what being "in the world but not of it" is all about.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
This NEEDS to be banned!
I need to start this post with a comment. I'm not perfect. I'm not the world's greatest singer. And our job shouldn't be to judge others...
I also think this. If you vigorously pursue a career in the public eye, in show business, if you bring out singles and albums, if you try to sell a product, then I think you need to prove you are WORTH buying.
We all know about maufactured pop bands. We all hear about how in post-production the engineers work their wizardry and make things sound better than they were. I figured there would be the odd note that was a little out, they'd fix the pitch, and voila!
I didn't think they could do this though... And I didn't think someone THIS bad should be allowed to sell a record at all. Really. Even if they do have really big...
Anyway, you HAVE to listen to these two mp3's. The first is the 'fixed' version - it's just two short extracts I made to give you an idea what a sound engineer can REALLY do. The second is the original recording. It's basically the complete song because you just HAVE to listen all the way through. PLEASE listen right to the end. (Original versions I got were via YouTube - this is just an mp3 recording - go to YouTube and watch it if you like - it's got video too!!!)
One thing it shows is Peter Andre is actually not that bad live. But his wife, Jordan... Well, I won't spoil it, just listen...
I also think this. If you vigorously pursue a career in the public eye, in show business, if you bring out singles and albums, if you try to sell a product, then I think you need to prove you are WORTH buying.
We all know about maufactured pop bands. We all hear about how in post-production the engineers work their wizardry and make things sound better than they were. I figured there would be the odd note that was a little out, they'd fix the pitch, and voila!
I didn't think they could do this though... And I didn't think someone THIS bad should be allowed to sell a record at all. Really. Even if they do have really big...
Anyway, you HAVE to listen to these two mp3's. The first is the 'fixed' version - it's just two short extracts I made to give you an idea what a sound engineer can REALLY do. The second is the original recording. It's basically the complete song because you just HAVE to listen all the way through. PLEASE listen right to the end. (Original versions I got were via YouTube - this is just an mp3 recording - go to YouTube and watch it if you like - it's got video too!!!)
One thing it shows is Peter Andre is actually not that bad live. But his wife, Jordan... Well, I won't spoil it, just listen...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Bronze... like a primary school medal...
I got given a framed recognition award at work today. It's called the Bronze Recognition Award, and it says it's in recognition of the fact that I led a project team on a project that brought in over $750K in revenue.
It's kinda nice I guess. We all like recognition. But it also reminded me of those little medals and certificates and thing you got in primary school for swimming in a race. I used to swim in races... If you could call them swimming. It's more like floating and trying to propel myself forwards. Now, before you get the kind of mental image of a beached whale that I reckon you already have let me say a few things. One, I'm talking about primary school, and two, I wasn't overweight back then. That didn't happen until I was about 23 or so. It wasn't a weight thing - I just didn't go forward too well. I could float for hours, and was great in the surf, but put me in a pool and I swam like crazy... and got nowhere. Kinda like Eric the Eel at the olympics... Never could work that one out...
Anyway, I digress... The point of the story is this - I still used to get a piece of paper saying well done. I just can't work out if this thing I got at work is like that or not. I don't want this to sound ungrateful, it really IS nice that the work was noticed and appreciated... I just kind of half expect it to say
This award is presented to NATHAN YOUNG in recognition of trying hard to move forward in the pool and coming second last in the 25m Freestyle.
(It's true. I never came last. There was always at least one kid who couldn't reach the other side and nearly drowned in the process. He made me look good. Thanks kid... If you are still alive and haven't drowned yet...)
Looking back at this post I have no idea why I wrote it now, or what I was on about, but it's better than the crap I've been serving up lately (sorry about that - serious lack of focus!!!)
It's kinda nice I guess. We all like recognition. But it also reminded me of those little medals and certificates and thing you got in primary school for swimming in a race. I used to swim in races... If you could call them swimming. It's more like floating and trying to propel myself forwards. Now, before you get the kind of mental image of a beached whale that I reckon you already have let me say a few things. One, I'm talking about primary school, and two, I wasn't overweight back then. That didn't happen until I was about 23 or so. It wasn't a weight thing - I just didn't go forward too well. I could float for hours, and was great in the surf, but put me in a pool and I swam like crazy... and got nowhere. Kinda like Eric the Eel at the olympics... Never could work that one out...
Anyway, I digress... The point of the story is this - I still used to get a piece of paper saying well done. I just can't work out if this thing I got at work is like that or not. I don't want this to sound ungrateful, it really IS nice that the work was noticed and appreciated... I just kind of half expect it to say
This award is presented to NATHAN YOUNG in recognition of trying hard to move forward in the pool and coming second last in the 25m Freestyle.
(It's true. I never came last. There was always at least one kid who couldn't reach the other side and nearly drowned in the process. He made me look good. Thanks kid... If you are still alive and haven't drowned yet...)
Looking back at this post I have no idea why I wrote it now, or what I was on about, but it's better than the crap I've been serving up lately (sorry about that - serious lack of focus!!!)
Monday, October 09, 2006

It's done. It's official already! Aker is a Doggie! AND we didn't have to give up Sam Power for him, which I'm pleased about. Aker is a champion, he'll fit in well at the Dogs, ad I think a change in scenery will do him well. Let's hope it does him as well as it did Barry Hall...
PS. Sorry about my photo editing... It was a quick job OK???
Getting better
Richard 'Hampster' Hammond is recovering well. See my post below for the accident details, but this is great news. To a true legend we all say get well soon! And hope to see you back on Top Gear in the future!
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