Here's a thought...
Now that the U.S. basketball team have
once again managed to
not make it to the Gold Medal game at a major world championship, let alone win the gold medal, would it be too much to hope that they stop calling their club team that wins the NBA title World Champions finally?
Yeh... it'd be too much to ask. Nothing like blind arrogance...
Oh, and I was once told that the World Series in baseball is called that because of some paper or something called The World that was a sponsor or some similar story, so it was literally the 'World' Series. So in baseball I was going to forgive them... Then I started to read up on it, and I think that information was wrong. It seems the history of baseball in the U.S. is just as misguided. And the U.S. last won the actual world championship in baseball in 1974...
I know it seems like I'm yank bashing. I only write this blog because I'm watching the basketball worlds on TV as I write this. And besides, if you make big claims you need to back them up, or you leave yourself open. And I know, I know - one is a country event, the other is a club event. But still, the term World when you don't play other nations' teams is still crazy. The AFL premiers would have a better claim to World Champions as they really WOULDN'T be beaten in that sport, but it just would seem wrong...
What's so bad about 'National Champions'???